APs Take Action for Acupuncture
"If you are not at the table, you are on the table"....Juhan Mixon, lobbyist

 Merle Friedman and Rep Danny AlvarezDavid Bibbey and Ben Albritton image Taking Action for AcupunctureDavid Bibbey and Blaise Ingoglia imageBibbey meets with Driskell image

David and Sen Stan McClain
Fontanini & Koster

Macko, Calatayud & CasadoMacko and Calatayud

 Teeter & Robinson

Jacobs and Tant Legislative Visit Photo

Kovach & Salzman imageHayes-Hurst & Trabulsy 




Gorsuch & McFarland




















































Send us your visit photos!! 



2024 Clearwater Legislative Action

April 15, 2024 4 APs from the Clearwater area attended Amplify Clearwater's Post-Legislative Session Reception at the Sheraton Sand Key Resort on Clearwater Beach.  They heard the recap from local legislators and had the opportunity to meet with them. 

Amplify Clearwater Event
Legislators at Amplify Clearwater event

L->R Rep Kim Berfield, Sen Ed Hooper, Amanda Payne CEO,
Rep Adam Adamson, Rep Berry Jacques


Acupuncture Education Day May be an image of 3 people, hospital and text


See more photos here on FSOMA Facebook


Pinellas County APs Take Action 

What is happening in your district? 

  • Ellen Teeter met with Representative “Will” Robinson onJuly 26th.  They discussed Mediciaid Expansion to have the state managed medicaid system cover acupuncture for pain and other conditions.  She is planning on attending a fundraiser for him on Sept 29.  
    Her senator, Jim Boyd not making appointments until September. 
  • Jennifer Broadwell has  a meeting  scheduled next week with Senator Tina Polsky.  She  met with Rep Emily Slosberg on Tuesday via zoom. They had an opportunity to discuss recent legislation she has co sponsored, and I thanked her for her initiative in serving  Florida. They spoke about healthcare and the need for increasing access to care and how LAc’s can improve outcomes, offers non opioid and effective options for pain, and much more. She was very open to listening and welcomes the opportunity to learn more about how acupuncture can benefit Floridians. 

2021 Amplify Clearwater Legislative Breakfast

FSOMA is at the Table 
From Left to Right
Sitting: Yue Wang OMD, AP, Ellen Teeter DOM, AP, Carrie Graves DOM AP
Standing: Mary Riggin DOM, AP, Lauren Marienski OMD, AP, Kandice Kaminski

Sponsorship FlyerAmply Legislator Panel

2019 Legislative Breakfast

For the 3rd year Mary Riggin has spearheaded sponsoring a table at the Annual Clearwater Legislative Breakfast 
This gives the AOM profession a chance to be present and at the table! 

Many thanks to those who attended and supported
BIG THANKS to Mary for her long years of putting her heart and soul into fighting for our profession. 

Left to Right - Deborah Rinehart, Tom Ellman, Hai He Tian, Sara Shiu,  Jerry Riggin, Mary Riggin
not shown Brenda Malone
FSOMA, FAA and FSDOM were at the table!

Brenda Malone & Mary Riggin


2018 Legislative Breakfast

2018 Legislative Breakfast

Front Row Left to Right: Brenda Malone AP, Hongjian He AP, Mary Riggin, AP
Standing Left to Right: 
 Carol Bates, AP, HaiHe Tian AP, Sara Shiu AP, Lynn Thames AP, Ellen Teeter AP, Eva Chang, AP and Saima Bhatti AP