Speaker ListKeynote SpeakerMichael Taromina, Esq., is an expert in acupuncture and Oriental Medicine law, ethics and regulations. For over two decades he has litigated, educated, advocated and authored for the advancement and protection of the AOM profession in the United States. Michael serves as the Chair of National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine’s Professional Ethics and Disciplinary Committee. In this capacity, he co-drafted NCCAOM’s Code of Ethics and Grounds for Discipline and currently oversees the adjudication of misconduct cases from all over the country. Michael has also served as pro bono legal counsel to many AOM state and national associations. Chad Bailey, A.P., D.C.H., SifuMorning Qi GongMorning Qigong will explore the different types of Qi Gong, methods related to practice and the development of a plan for the individual practitioner. The practice portion will include Wu Ji, Qi bath, Waist set, Silk Reeling and other methods pertaining to the discussion.
Tui Na & Qi Gong for Pelvis & Lower Back 3 Hours GENThe course will focus on the use of Tui Na and Qi Gong to balance, disperse and stabilize the pelvis (ilium, pubis, ischium, sacrum) and low back (lumbar). These techniques can be used in conjunction with acupuncture and other parts of Oriental Medicine. Tui Na will focus on hand techniques, manual manipulations and acupressure for the areas of the pelvis and lower back. A self-care Qi Gong routine will be presented using concepts from the Tui Na manipulations. Qi Gong will focus on Wu Ji standing meditation and Waist Set Wei Gong Qi Gong. The Waist Set Qi Gong is designed to strengthen the core, increase flexibility and draw qi to the lower dan tien.
Lorne Brown B.Sc., CA, Dr.TCM, FABORM, CHtDr. Lorne Brown B.Sc., CA, Dr.TCM, FABORM, CHt, is the Clinical Director of Acubalance Wellness Centre, and the founder of Pro D Seminars, Medigogyand the Integrative Fertility Symposium.
Dr. Brown received his Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine from Vancouver’s International College of Traditional Chinese Medicine after a career as a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA). He has leveraged his business expertise and passion for TCM in creating Acubalance, a highly-successful fertility practice, pioneering online continuing education through creating Pro D Seminars and Medigogy.com, as well as in writing his book, Missing the Point:Why Acupuncturists Fail and what they Need to Know to Succeed, published in March of 2016. As the acupuncture expert advisor to IVF.ca, Dr. Brown also has extensive postgraduate TCM training in gynecology, obstetrics, and reproductive medicine. Alongside his work at Acubalance, Lorne’s work in to women’s health and fertility includes publishing the Acubalance Fertility Diet in 2012, as well as establishing the Integrative Fertility Symposium held in Vancouver BC. My Favorite Infertility Acupuncture Protocols – 3 Hours GENThere are certain conditions fertility acupuncturists see regularly and after a while you figure out which acupuncture approaches work. I have been in practice since 2000 and by 2004 I had dedicated my practice, to treating infertility. By 2009 I became certified Fellow of the American Board of Oriental Reproductive Medicine (ABORM). I founded Pro D seminars and the Integrative Fertility Symposium which provides me the opportunity to take all the CE courses on infertility and pregnancy. This course distills my 17 years of clinical experience plus the hundreds of hours of continuing education into my favorite acupuncture points and combinations for treating the following:
Lorenzo Gonzalez, AP LAc PT DPT DO EPCLorenzo Gonzalez, AP LAc PT DPT DO EPC is in private practice in Dallas, New York City and Miami Beach specializing in treating Olympic, professional and recreational athletes. Dr. Gonzalez is faculty at the McMaster’s University Biomedical Contemporary Medical Acupuncture Program, as well as a voluntary assistant professor of physical therapy in the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine. Dr. Gonzalez is a Doctor of Physical Therapy, Licensed Acupuncturist, Board Certified Orthopedic Clinical Specialist and Board Certified Exercise Physiologist.
Advanced Orthopedic Acupuncture- 6 Hours BIOMEDThis seminar course is designed to introduce the participant to the concepts of orthopedic needling, its neuro-functional principles, and its use in an acupuncture setting. Comparison and Contrast of orthopedic needling to acupuncture will be highlighted, as well as its safety, indications and contraindications. A lab component will allow for the participants to practice various introductory orthopedic needling techniques Kirsten Karchmer SOM, M.Ed., MS. Former ABORM PresidentKirsten Karchmer SOM, M.Ed., MS. Former ABORM President, CEO Conceivable Herbs and Technologies is a health tech pioneer and women’s health expert. She has pioneered proprietary infertility assessment and treatment protocols that optimize fertility while improving patients overall health. She is a Board Certified reproductive acupuncturist and former President of the American Board of Oriental Reproductive Medicine. Karchmer is also the CEO/founder of Conceivable, a technology enabled fertility solution at 1/100 the cost of IVF and Viv Wellness a woman’s health revolution committed to eradicating PMS and cramping.
In 2013, Kirsten translated her successful clinical programs into her technology enabled platform that uses machine learning/ AI to provide affordable and impactful reproductive solution. Karchmer was named one of Texas Women in Technology to Watch and Conceivable was named one of the most innovative health tech start ups from MedTech in 2015, Best Fertility App by Healthline in 2016 and has been featured in Fox News, The New York Magazine, TechCrunch, Huffington Post, and MHealth. Karchmer lectures internationally on women’s health, the future of integrative medicine, and using technology to better serve patients, providers, and healthcare systems. Kirsten has been recognized as one of the top female start-up founders to watch, the recipient of the Texas Trailblazer award for her innovation in health care and, is also Huffington Post contributor. Increasing Confidence and Precision in Herbal Prescriptions - 3 Hours GENHaving trained thousands of acupuncturists, clinicians commonly report feeling as though they would like more confidence in diagnosing and prescribing. Filtering through dozens of symptoms and health factors can make precise diagnosing and prescribing a challenge for even the most competent clinicians. A systemized diagnostic and prescribing approach can significantly improve clinical outcomes and decrease stress for the clinician. In one hour, participants will learn how to identify a constitutional diagnosis, quantify the symptoms, and build an herbal formula with accuracy and confidence. Brendan Kelly, M. Ac., L. Ac., author, professorBrendan Kelly, M. Ac., L. Ac., author, professor teaches about Chinese medicine, natural medicine and medical philosophy at schools, universities, educational centers and conferences around the US. He also writes and teaches about the connection between personal, societal and environmental well-being, including the connection between climate change and Chinese medicine. In 2015, North Atlantic Books published his first book The Yin and Yang of Climate Crisis which looks at the underlying causes of our warming planet from the perspective of Chinese medicine.
Understanding the Root Causes of Cancer – 3 Hours GENA crucial component in addressing the root causes of cancer is understanding where the condition is coming from. We’ll talk about how the overgrowth of unhealthy cells that characterizes cancer can be understood and treated from the Chinese medicine tradition of the School of Heat (Wen Bing). We will talk about acupuncture, herbs, diet and lifestyle to address the different issues associated with cancer, including clearing heat and increasing Yin. Brendan will use several cancer case studies of patients he’s worked with and discuss the potential to address the condition from very early to advanced stages. Brendan will also talk about research from his book The Yin and Yang of Climate Crisis and how the extraordinary rates of cancer in the US mirrors the overheating of the planet. You can view Brendan talking about a Chinese medicine understanding of cancer at his clinic You Tube page: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oo6mMgksipo Understanding the Progression of Lyme Disease – 3 Hours GENOne essential understanding in treating Lyme disease is that things change. Using the Chinese medicine theory of Sheng Hua, we’ll talk about how one set of symptoms leads to others, and how understanding the progression of the disease is essential to not only treating symptoms but also promoting health. We’ll talk about using herbs, acupuncture, diet and lifestyle to treat the numerous symptoms associated with Lyme. Brendan will present Lyme case studies of patients he’s worked with to discuss his experiences treating the disease from very early through advanced stages. Brendan will also talk about research from his book “The Yin and Yang of Climate Crisis” and how the progression of Lyme disease mirrors the progression of climate change. Robert Linde AP, RHRobert Linde AP, RH is an Acupuncture Physician and Registered Herbalist with a MS in Oriental Medicine and BS in Education. He is the owner of Acupuncture & Herbal Therapies in St. Petersburg Florida and the Co-director of Traditions School of Herbal Studies. He also consults as a product developer for various national herbal product companies. He serves on the board of directors for FSOMA. Bob has presented at state and national alternative medicine conferences and schools around the US . He has worked as a wilderness counselor for teenagers, treasure hunter and is a Desert Storm infantry veteran. He enjoys working on his teaching garden growing over 150 medicinal plants from around the world. To learn more about Bob visit www.acuherbals.com or www.traditionsherbschool.com.
Clinical Herb and Drug Interactions – 3 Hours Medical Error/SafetyClinical Herb and Drug Interactions – 3 Hours Medical Error/Safety
This class explores common drug categories and possible adverse events. Issues of quality control and organoleptic testing are all discussed in this approachable class. We will look at how to avoid potential errors as practitioners. We will be looking more at areas of narrow therapeutic margin and mutual enhancement of herbs/drugs. Positive Herb & Drug Interactions – 3 Hours BIOMEDThis class takes a unique approach exploring how herbs and drugs can work better together. We will specifically explore the mechanisms for preventing bacterial resistance and enhancing the effects of steroids, blood pressure, blood sugar and other prescription medications. Learn about specific nutritional deficiencies caused by medications and herbs and supplements that can correct the imbalances. Julie Ann Nugent-Head, Medical Doctorate in Chinese medicine (China), LAc, MSOMAfter traveling back and forth for several years between her United States practice and China, JulieAnn Nugent-Head MSOM moved to Beijing permanently in 2006 to intern under the last doctors born and educated prior to 1949. Seeing medicine in practice and going line by line through the classic books with her teachers revolutionized her understanding of Chinese medicine. Fluent in Mandarin, JulieAnn completed doctoral studies at the Zhejiang University of Chinese Medicine in 2014. A vocal advocate and teacher of Nei Jing focused classical herbalism, JulieAnn and husband Andrew run a teaching clinic in Asheville, NC. The Nei Jing's Guide To Herbal Medicine – 3 Hours GENThe Huang Di Neijing provides the foundation of herbal theory focusing on the flavor and nature of herbs as the guiding principle of prescription: “Acrid can disperse, can make things move. Sweet can build, can slow and can harmonize. Bitter can drain, can dry, can make firm. Sour can gather, can astringe. Salty can descend, can soften. Bland can permeate and benefit (create flow). ” Understanding this simple statement can improve efficacy and safety in the clinic setting today. Explaining this statement, giving examples of single herbs and classical formula, and discussing how we can return to a Classical perspective of herb use as outlined in the Nei Jing, JulieAnn Nugent-Head presents an introduction to returning the focus to the flavor and nature of herbs. Rene Ng DOM, AP, LAcRene Ng is a Board-certified in Acupuncture (NCCAOM) and in Master Tung Acupuncture (WATA – World’s Association of Tung’s Acupuncture). Based in Sarasota, FL, and a licensed acupuncturist in Florida and California. Speaker at FSOMA the past three years on topics including Tung Acupuncture, Cancer, and Multiple Sclerosis. 4-time winner of Sarasota’s “Favorite Acupuncture Physician” award. Specialties include MS, autoimmune system disorders, Cancer care, trauma and pain management, neuropathy, musculo-skeletal disorders, and skin disorders. Treating Autoimmune Diseases with Chinese MedicineThe ability to correctly diagnose and differentiate an autoimmune condition goes a long way towards successfully treating and managing it. This course will cover the primary forms of autoimmune diseases including but not limited to Lupus, MS (Multiple Sclerosis), Raynaud’s, and Hashimoto, and will help the student better understand what causes these diseases, how they can flare up, and the various paths that they can progress along. Also discussed will be suggested treatment protocols, acupuncture points, diet, exercises, and herbal formulas. A real gem for the clinic. Mary Riggin LAc, DAcDr. Mary Riggin’s passion for working with thyroid cases in her clinic came after her own miraculous experience of getting her own undiagnosed thyroid problem handled at the age of 38, after she trained with Dr. Eric Berg, DC and his Sluggish Thyroid program. She expanded her knowledge in hormone balancing through his master’s certification program which she completed in 2005. Since then she has witnessed many patients achieve exceptional results, including being able to completely get off of thyroid medications (per their doctor’s order) by following her comprehensive program which combines endocrinology, Oriental Medicine diagnosis and treatment, as well as diet and lifestyle homework for her patients.
Dr. Mary has been in private practice since 1996, has been a political activist for Florida’s acupuncture profession since 1997 when she instituted the first Acupuncture Education Day in the state capitol, she later served as FSOMA’s president, served on Florida’s Board of Acupuncture at the pleasure of former Gov Chiles and Gov Bush, and continues to passionately educate her local community and policy makers in Tallahassee. She is licensed in FL (AP725) and Rhode Island (DA83), graduated from the Florida Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 1996, has an AAS degree in Electrical Engineering Technology. She is an accomplished musician, practices yoga and pilates, is a grandmother of 4, and this year created her online virtual training program while maintaining her private practice in Clearwater. Sluggish Thyroid Analysis & Treatment: An Introduction - 3 Hours BIOMEDThyroid imbalance is becoming more and more prevalent in our culture and knowing what to look for can increase your patients’ results. This class will teach how to identify a potential thyroid imbalance, even before anything shows up in lab tests. You will learn what to look for through your intake, how those symptoms relate to Oriental Medicine diagnosis, what the treatment options are, an introduction to an advanced acupressure technique, and basic dietary recommendations that will enhance any treatment program you already have in place. Galina Roofener, LAc, LCH, Dipl Ac (NCCAOM), Dipl CH (NCCAOM)Galina Roofener, L.Ac., L.C.H., A.P., Dipl. Ac. (NCCAOM)®, Dipl. C.H. (NCCAOM)® is board certified and licensed in Ohio and Florida to practice Oriental medicine. Currently, Galina works for the Cleveland Clinic as an acupuncturist and Chinese herbalist. Cleveland Clinic was one of the first to open a hospital-based herbal clinic in the U.S.
Galina V. Roofener advocates for Oriental medicine in many different ways. She serves on the State Medical Board of Ohio’s Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine Advisory committee and is a member of the Hospital-Based Practice Task Force Committee advisory panel for the National Certification Commission on Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. During 27 years of her health care career she has received many degrees ranging from Nursing to candidate DAOM. Galina is a published author, a visiting faculty at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine in Cleveland, Ohio and a speaker at many conferences. Principles of Combining TCHM with Pharmaceuticals & Nutraceuticals - 6 Hours Medical Errors/Safety/GENThe practice of Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine (TCHM) may appear archaic to those that misunderstand the theories and principals that guide it. In fact, TCHM continues to evolve and new systems are consistently being discovered and applied within the tradition. Never the less the biggest challenge of great unknown of herb-drug interaction faced by TCM practitioner in the world today remains. Though modern scientific analyses have been utilized to look at herbs from a chemical perspective, it is unrealistic to perform double-blind study of every drug-herb/formula combination. This class will introduce principles of drug-herb combination according to TCM philosophy how it is practiced at Traditional Chinese Herbal Clinic within Cleveland Clinic Integrative Medicine Department. Amy J. Sear, A.P, Dipl. O.M. (NCCAOM)Amy J. Sear AP is an experienced speaker, and is valued for her organized, practical, and information filled presentations. She completed her Oriental Medicine education from the Acupressure Acupuncture Institute in Miami, FL., where she received awards for outstanding achievement in academics and clinical practice. Amy served as President of the Florida State Oriental Medical Association (FSOMA) from 2004 to 2010, and currently teaches at two schools in Florida. She has a long history of knowledge and experience in all aspects of safety in practice, including specific to herbal practice, and including extensive knowledge of state and federal regulations of herbal dispensing. She is the first employee of the Integrative Medicine Department at Memorial Health Systems in Broward County, FL, and has over ten years’ experience with integrative practice. She brings her years of respected teaching experience to this topic to help others.
Florida Laws and Rules UpdateThis required class will cover what new has happened/changed since last renewal, and will then go into detail on medical record keeping. The FL State requirements for medical records will be covered, as will additional components and aspects of good quality professional medical record keeping. As always, this will all be covered in a straight forward and highly usable way. Medical Errors Related to Herbal Practice 3 HoursThis course will cover the most important aspects to increasing safety and reducing harm for the Acupuncturist that prescribes or sells herbs or supplements. It covers everything from regulations to simple everyday things you can do in actual practice. Includes information on how to better know the quality and safety of the brands and products you purchase and recommend. Every practice that sells herbs or supplements should be aware of this information. Not only will your patients benefit, but it will lower your likelihood of having an herb related injury or complaint filed against you. Haihe Tian,AP, Ph.D., MD(China), ProfessorHaihe Tian,AP, Ph.D., MD(China) is the Director of the Chinese Acupuncture and Herbs Center in Largo, Florida. He started his medical training in 1982 at Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, China. He received a PhD in Liver and other G.I diseases .
He has been a very popular teacher at FSOMA Conferences and teaches widely around the country as well as internationally. He has published more than 40 professional papers and 20 medical books as an author or co-author. The Lab Test Report and Clinical Interpretation – 3 Hours BIOAs a licensed acupuncture physician in Florida, we have a lot of privileges, such as ordering lab tests. When we receive the results, we have an obligation to explain it to our patients. This course will introduce what kind of tests are needed for certain diseases, how to help to clarify the diagnosis, and how to interpret the clinical means. You will also learn how to help evaluate the treating effect, and predicate the prognosis. Also, from the lab report, we will learn what are critical conditions and when we need to refer out. us leo. Breakfast SymposiumFriday 7:30AM-8:30AMKiran KrishnanKiran Krishnan, Microbiologist: Kiran has been involved in the dietary supplement and nutrition market for the past 15 years. He comes from a strict research background having spent several years with hands-on R&D in the fields of molecular medicine and microbiology at the University of Iowa. He left University research to take a position as the U.S. Business Development and Sales Manager for Amano Enzyme, USA. Amano is one of the world’s largest suppliers of therapeutic enzymes used in the dietary supplement and pharmaceutical industries in North America. At Amano, he conceptualized and successfully launched several dietary supplement ingredients in the North and South American markets. In addition to his experience at Amano, Kiran has designed and conducted over 10 clinical trials as a partner in a Contract Research Organization called Live Smart, Inc. Over the past 10 years Kiran has focused his knowledge and experience to developing unique and effective nutritional products for other well-known brands in the dietary supplement market. Kiran has had several market successes in the dietary supplement and nutrition markets. He brings his extensive technical knowledge, his clinical research experience and his passion for creating effective, natural products to the MegaSporeBiotic® team. As a microbiologist, he has a deep understanding of microbial science and has spent the last 6 years studying the strains used in MegaSporeBiotic®. Autoimmune Disease and the Microbiome 1 Hour BIOMEDPending Description Pending Breakfast SymposiumSaturday 7:30AM-8:30AMPendingPending Evening Symposia6:30-7:30 pm Light Dinner, SaturdayPendingPendingPending Conference Course Handouts will be made available later |